LCI's Integrated Approach
We use a proven Integrated Approach methodology that spans the entire transition and delivers results in each phase.
- Focused AppraisalSM — A low risk approach to understanding your opportunities to achieve a high performance operation. This is a 5 to 10 business day engagement that utilizes Best Practice learning to assist you in identifying areas of high potential opportunity within your organization. Deliverable consists of an Opportunity Matrix presented during a sponsor meeting.
- Assessment— A 6 to 8 week engagement to build a compelling business case and high level implementation plan that will align your management team on a path forward. We will utilize in-depth interviews, reviews of process and organization documentation, reviews of data and reports, side-by-side observations of customer interactions, reviews of pertinent systems and technology and conduct hands-on workshops to develop an understanding of current operations and desired future state. Deliverables normally consist of Current State Review, Capability Maturity Model of Leading Practices, Future State Definition with Gap Analysis, and a Future State Roadmap with “quick hits” and major initiatives timing.
- Design — A 4 to 6 month engagement to assist you with the design of the more detailed process, technology, facility and change readiness activities associated with the Future State vision. Deliverables normally consist of Business and Operational Process Guide, Contact Center Configuration Guide, Staffing and Hiring Plan, Change Readiness Program, Training Plan, and Project Plan for future phases.
- Build — A 4 to 6 month engagement to support your company or organization with the creation, change, testing and transition to the desired future state design. Deliverables typically include Revised Business and Operational Process Guide, Revised Configuration Guides, Training Program, Revised Business Case, Acceptance Test Cases, System Audit Report, Change Readiness Program, Updated Project Plan.
- Implement — A 1 to 2 month engagement to provide support and guidance for the initial “Go Live” and achieving effectiveness and efficiency with the ongoing delivery and support to ensure value for the customer and the client. Deliverables typically include the Finalized Operational Processes and Configuration Guides, a Continual Improvement Process, and Center Audit Report.